
Demonstratives: this/that these/those

4.  Demonstratives.

this/ that                             these/those

This and these are to talk about people or things that are near you.

Two or more
This is my beautiful pot
These are my pots
This pot is beautiful
These pots are beautiful
This is my pencil
These are my pencils
This is my friends
These are my friends
This is my book
These are my books

Things or people are near you, so you can touch then à This/these.

That and those are to talk about people or things that are far of you.

Two or more
That’s Peter’s toy
Those are Peter’s toys
That’s Mary’s picture
Those are Mary’s pictures
That’s  my teacher
Those are my teachers
That’s his marble
Those are his marbles

Things or people are far of you, so you can not touch then à That/those.


 This is my class. I’m raising my hand to ask. These are my friends, and this is my teacher. That is our board, it’s behind the teacher. That is the class’s notice-board, it’s behind me. Those are Mary’s flowers, they are very beautiful. That is the wastepaper; it’s near to the teacher. We’re studying. This is our blue desk and these are our chairs.


Articles: a, an

3. Articles: a, an

A and an can tell you what a person, animal or thing is:

I´m a teacher

Rufo is an inventor

Steve is my uncle

That´s an octopus

*Put a before a consonant when you want to talk about one thing:

A dog, a rabbit, a table, a pencil, a book…

*Put an before a vowel when you want to talk about one thing:

An umbrella, an elephant, an egg, an apple…

                       Remember!!!                                                                       Be careful!!!

These are vowels:
a, e, i, o, u
These are consonants:
 b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z
A useful book     NOT    an useful book
A uniform            NOT   an uniform
An hour               NOT    a hour

a  dog
an article
a  lesson
an uncle
a  bicycle
an egg
a  boy
an artista
a house
an hour
a  toy
an apple
a  head
an orange

Lewis goes to school. He doesn’t wear ……………..uniform at school. He wears T-shirts. He likes school, but he doesn’t like homework. Everyday Lewis does homework for …………..hour. He likes English. He says ………..grammar book is……………useful book.